Growing up I used to tell people that “Salvation Army Officer’s Kids don’t have homes” But…
My Parents have been stationed at the same corps for the last 15 years. 15 years in one place in the Salvation Army is beyond unusual it is downright unheard of. In fact there is no Corps Officer (pastor) who has been in their present appointment longer. There longevity has allowed me to:
1. Start High School
2. Finish High School,
3. Go off to college
4. Drop out of college and come home
5. Start another College and move onto the dorms
6. Move home because the food is better (but stay in college)
7. Graduate College
8. Get Married
9. Attend the Salvation Army Seminary
10. Have Open Heart Surgery
11. Have a Baby (actually my wife did that)
12. Receive my first appointment
13. And my second (well technically any I only moved 3 miles and we merged our first church into our second)
14. Perform the wedding for My Sister and her Husband.
15. Preach at my Niece’s Dedication
And they still live in the same house. Ladies and Gentleman, Cambridge MA. Is my home.
It is good that ministry terms are lengthening. It takes special people to forge the way for the rest of us.
my longest stay has been 5.5 years. that was my last stint at 117. we lived in rockland for 8. i thought i was privileged to live in the same general vicinity for 8 years.
it is interesting that my kids call NYC home although now chris has become a died in the wool bostonian after 4 years at bc. he is back there now.
your parents are saints! their work in cambridge under the guidance of the Holy Spirit will be hard to follow. i hope the army allows your parents the opportunity to have a say in their successors.
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