When I was in Training college (seminary) we read a book that suggested it is important for pastors and christian counselors to acknowledge their wounds. Because our wounds remind us that we ourselves are broken and allow ours to have a special kind of sensitivity towards those we would help in their healing process. I had great trouble with this book, while I understood and even agreed with the author's point. His analogy disturbed me. While many Christians do live with all kinds of wounds and may be on various points of their journey toward complete healing, to stat that all Christians are struggle with wounds have not been healed to me denies the the power of the risen Christ.
Now Scars that is an analogy that i can Relate to. A scar is a visible reminder of a past injury. A Scar is not a wound. In Physical terms when the wound is healed the tissues around it does an extraordinary thing it grows back in such a way as to protect the sight of the injury.
I am a bit of an expert scars. I have dozens of them, large and small. Each Scar tells a story Right now i am typing one handed after having shoulder surgery. While i used to cover my scares and be ashamed of them but they are a part of who i am.
The one on my left wrist is where my doctors wired me to an external pacemaker when i was a young child but i used it to tell my left from my right. The one on my right wrist taught me that when you go looking for trouble you usually find it.
My most noticeable scar runs down my chest. I got it as a toddler and a couple of years ago it was enlarged. That scar is a constant reminder that life is fragile it belongs not to ourselves but to God.
I am typing this Blog one handed as i look fondly at my newest scar, six inches across my shoulder. This scar was required to heal many repeated injuries. While i don't remember all of the injuries most involved tackle football with old friends those memories are special because because the ability to push myself physically on a level where i could receive a "sports" injury shows me that the Scar on my chest is nothing more than as scar.
Spiritually i have found it is that it is a temptation for us to pick at our scabs rather then let them heal. We dwell on our wounds rather than accepting God's Grace. so rather than a reminder of a past injury we keep our wounds open allowing them to fester and become infected.
The worst spiritual injury the biggest spiritual wound can heal into a scar that is nothing more than a badge or pride, a personal reminder of the God's "Amazing Grace".
Steve, many of us carry scars from battles we should have fought and should not have. I am praying that I continue to have grace and wisdom on which scars are worth the battle to get them.
You and I should talk about my latest post. I was interested in a couple of your comments, especially about our time at the Congress.
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