"Broken Sally"

I am learning everyday that we should approach life humbly.This is the blog of a guy learning how to Love. Most of the posts will center on Love (Holiness). However some may speaking more generally to Christian living or life in general, which all boil down to love for me anyway. A Lot of what is said here, is said from the context of The Salvation Army to which i have commited my life. But being a "broken sally" my words are in no way offical. I am just a guy who wants the best for his church.

Friday, October 12, 2007

One year

I looked at my map and realized that it was indicating that i only had on hitand that hit was from Staten Island. Hey that's me reading my own blog.

I stared this blog just over a year ago because I was part of a comittee that was brought together to discuss blogging amoung other things. I was involved in the comittee more because of the "other things" and less about blogging. but in an effort to relate i began to blog. The topics of "to Blog or not to Blog" and "Why blog?" have really have become more and more common place over the last year. My expermint has lasted a year and i have learned somethingsabout blogging.

1. I realize some use their blogs simply because they have an axe to grind.
2. Others I have found are interested in stimulating healthy diaolgue. (For a great discussion based blog check out "Larry's" blog on the right)
3. Other seem to be trying to get a message across to anyone who will listen.
4. Some people just like attention.
5. Still others have an inflated of themselves.

During my year long freeform blogging experiment i think that this page has fallen into all five of those catagories and perhaps several others. I do believe that i have fallen into a niche for me my blog has become a bit like a journal. The spirtual disipline seems to have returned in the form of blogging (Thanks Major Munn for this insight) but with some new elements. In days of old a person spiritual jornal was intensely private many great christian's journals were not even known about until the had passed. now i write using a medium that could potentially be viewed by the who world. and, while i am conscience of that fact and do not share my deepest secrets or personal information like my social security number. I do sometimes just sit at my keyboard and "let it fly".


Accountability??? sure. sometimes i will 'thing out loud' sometimes i am way of base other times i am breaking into something new.

Altruism??? could be. IF you can get past my spelling and inconsistant capatilization oh and my rambling as well as my tendency to crack jokes that only i understand there is sometimes a nuget of wisdom that others may find useful.

convience??? definitely a big one for me i am completely disorganized by posting my thoughts on line i can always find them.

Attention??? anyone who knows me knows i love attention but i don't think that is an issue here i have other wider platforms for that.

Well this thought is unfinished i am a year out and i am rather enjoying the blog but i have know idea why i don't just get a composition notebook and write my thoughts down?


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