"Broken Sally"

I am learning everyday that we should approach life humbly.This is the blog of a guy learning how to Love. Most of the posts will center on Love (Holiness). However some may speaking more generally to Christian living or life in general, which all boil down to love for me anyway. A Lot of what is said here, is said from the context of The Salvation Army to which i have commited my life. But being a "broken sally" my words are in no way offical. I am just a guy who wants the best for his church.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I've got A Shrimp in My Pocket

I've had breakfast with Hilary Clinton and i have been able to pass the cream to Chuck Schumer. I did a commercial with Marvelous Marvin Haggler. Just the other day i arranged a backstage meeting with Youth Pastor and Switchfoot because they are his favorite band.

Yea I am the man!!!

Or am I...

The other night I was at Cocktail Party (don't worry mom all i drank was ginger ale) hosted by the a doctors group it was help in the home of one of the members upon entering i began to pass the time by counting fireplaces (there were six all with blazing fires in them) This house was at the top of Staten Island's Todt Hill which is code for very old money.

I was there to receive Toys on behalf of The Salvation Army. But before receiving them i was supposed to enjoy the party. Enjoy it... i have never been so uncomfortable the girl came bay with a platter of shrimp just like in the movies and i took one with my best James Bond impression...What the movies never show though is what your supposed to do with the shrimp tail when your done. My plan was to put back on the shrimp try when it came back around but it never came then someone walked up to me with their hand out. so... I did the the only thing i could think of, I shoved the Shrimp tail in my pocket and shook the guys hand.

When I got home and pulled the shrimp tail out of my pocket i made a comment about how classless i am and she just laughed at me.

It occurred to me that I have been able to do some special things simple because of the uniform i wear. One of the great things about this "Army" is that it will take a clown Like Steve Carroll and make him a Minister of the Gospel and God actually uses me.

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